At the start of 2016, the Korean Research Forestry Institute will begin using a new standard in lumber grading, affecting acceptable trade with Korea. Their Notification on Sawn Lumber has only three grades and requires all labels and grade marks to be in Korean (labels with both Korean and English are acceptable). The regulations are complex, and time is limited to negotiate with officials. While Korea's existing lumber standard recognizes U.S. grades via equivalence with all North American softwood, KRFI has yet to agree to publicly recognize our American Lumber Standard Committee, though they are working toward recognizing the Canadian Lumber Standard Accreditation Board. As we work with Korea government, we encourage you to reach out to your own importers in Korea to see what impact this will have on their trade with the U.S. Please share any difficulties your encounter with SEC so we may inform the U.S. Trade Representative.
We will have more information as we investigate the new standard, and update our members as we post on the topic. Notification information courtesy of Kevin Chueng.
We will have more information as we investigate the new standard, and update our members as we post on the topic. Notification information courtesy of Kevin Chueng.